
Saturday, March 05, 2005

First chilling picture of the terror lurking offshore

Thanks to Citizen Steve for alerting Nairn and the world to this menace. Definitely a custard-slice from Asher’s award ceremony in the making here. Keep alert citizens!

Could the Provost help trap the sofa with a few of his tasty pies? The best in the north without doubt and no-one should ever visit Nairn without buying at least £20 worth from his shop on the High Street. Perhaps we could do it as a special attraction at the next Habourfest – as long as we could get Hugh Allison back to organise it and Capercaille to play in a giant marquee again.
Those were the days my friends


  1. technical note here... is the custard slice from Ashers in fact a vanilla slice? And what and why is a jap cake?

  2. just curious as to what the 'jap' cake was in Ashers? Guess I will have to buy one
