
Thursday, May 05, 2005

Beach ban comments over at Bill's plus a plug for the SNP candidate

Good comments over on Bill's site today about the beach ban on dogs during the holiday season and how it came about and the injustices etc.
If you are near the polling station today please think about putting a cross by the name of Dave Thompson (SNP) he is this blogger's preferred candidate and is a decent guy. Hopefully he will not be ruined by the Palace of Filth and Misinformation in London if he gets there but good luck Davie all the same.

1 comment:

  1. I’m not a dog owner but quite enjoy seeing dogs on the beach, and wouldn’t mind the lifting of the ban. I do have dog gurns though. Dog poo, especially in the winter as I don’t see it when I’m walking on a winter’s night, and cycle lanes. The bicycle bit mainly effects me on early morning rides along the river. For some reason some dog owners seem to think the cycle lane is theirs (I really don’t mind sharing it), and also some dog owners seem to think it is quite amusing for their mutt to run and me barking and snapping at my heals – ho hum... and I'm still awaiting a political party to call at my door
