Tuesday, June 27, 2006

An rèiseamaid shìos aig an Links

An rèiseamaid shìos aig an Links. Taing mhòr gu Joe Telfer airson a’ bhideo seo.
The regiment down at the Links. Thanks to Joe Telfer for this video

Bha sluagh mòr aig an links, tha muinntir Inbhir Narann pròiseil as a’ cheangail a th’aca ris an t-arm.
There was a bìg crowd down at the Links.Nairn folk are proud of their link with the Army.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Bha caismeachd tron bhaile an diugh

Bha caismeachd tron bhaile an diugh, chaidh an reisimaid ionadail sìos a’ phrìomh sràid agus bha am probhaist agus feadhainn eile gam feitheamh taobh a-muigh an taigh cùirt.

The local regiment marched down the High Street today and the Provost and a few others were waithing for them outside the courthouse.

Seo na bhideos dhut.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Aw shucks.... Ducks 'n Stuff

Tha Joe air a bhith trang a rithist, seo blog eile a chur e air dòigh. Mholainn-sa gu dearbh e.
Joe has been busy again, here's another blog he set up. I would certainly reccomend it.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Na h-ealachan, the swans: bhideo a rinn Joe (Joe's Video)

Tha e caran goirid ach ma tha sibh a' leantail cuisean bidh sibhse toilichte ris tha mi cinnteach às.
It is a little short but if you are following events you will be pleased with it I'm certain.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Oidhche mhath - good night :-)

Tha an cleoc againn ag obair a rithist. Oor clock is working againn.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Oifis-ghuail - Coal office

Chòrd e rium gu mòr a dhol sìos Sràid Dhùghlais airson a bhith a’ pàigheadh mo chunntas aig oifis Frank Milne. Bha daonnan beagan còmhraidh ri fhaighinn agus air sgath s gu robh iad a’ reic guail b’ àbhaist dha a bhith teine blàth a’ dol ge b’ e an aimsir taobh a-muigh. A-nis tha e dùinte agus a-rèir coltais bidh e ga leigeil a dh’ aithghearr agus bidh taigh ga chuireadh na àite. Tha an t-seann mhillennium an ceana fada air ar cùlaibh saoilidh mi.

I used to really enjoy going over to Douglas Street to pay my account at Frank Milne’s office. There was always a little conversation to be had and because they sold coal there was always a fìre going no matter what the weather outside was doing. Now it is shut and it appears that it will be coming down and a house going in its place. I reckon the old millennium is already far behind us.

PS. Chan eil mi cinnteach ma bhios mi a’ sgrìobhadh air a’ Ghurn gu tric ach bho seo a-mach ma nochdas dad idir, bidh e càil dà-chànanach: Gàidhlig agus Beurla

I don’t know if I will be writing often on the Gurn but from now on, if anything appears at all it will be bi-lingual: Gaelic and English

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Looking upstream from the A96 Bridge

A dull kind of a day but reasonably warm and the recent boost the trees got with the spell of warm weather is evident.