
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ballerina Ballroom Cinema of Dreams template goes to Beijing

'But now the actress Tilda Swinton is taking her off-beat film festival from her home town of Nairn to the other side of the world – Beijing. Cinema fans in the Chinese capital will be treated to Scottish classics, from the urban grittiness of Trainspotting to the 1945 romance I Know Where I'm Going!.'
The full story on the Scotsman.


  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I wish Tilda and her friends the best of luck.

    But the real point of this story is that it underlines a fundamental truth which many Nairn-ites failed to grasp in their understandable enthusiasm for the Cinema of Dreams Festival. Yes, it was a fun event. But it was and is, all about Tilda, her interests, and her followers, and not about the resurrection of Nairn as a cultural venue.

    Fickle people, artists... This year Nairn, next year somewhere and something else. As a global star, Tilda can play anywhere.

    If Nairn is going to survive and thrive as a venue for cultural events - or indeed as a centre for other interesting, worthwhile and viable activities and entertainment - then the momentum has to come from, and be sustained by, the people who live and work here.

    Let's see all those who joined so enthusiastically in the Ballerina programme turn out to support the Jazz Festival... the Book & Arts week ... and (why not?) a few more new initiatives.

  2. Tilda does live here Nairnbairn :-)

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    and she does support the local shops, which is more than be said for a lot of people :)

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    and not everybody likes Jazz....

  5. dearest gurn...a quick update for the folks of nairn ...we will be shortly launching our new film festival website at will be able to become citizens (not members) of our state of cinema and Tilda and marc cousins will be picking movies (generally avaiable on freeview) for us to watch and then leave your comments on your thoughts of the film . there will be a lot more happening on website so keep your cinematic eye's peeled...we are aware that some people have not got access to internet, so we are hoping the nairnshire telegraph will spare us a small space once a fortnight to let you know what movie we will be reviewing and your feedback could be put through the letter-box at ballerina and then i would transfer them to blog......through the gurn i will keep you all updated as to the developments.

    Steve Smerdon

  6. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Great news Steve...
    Was all set to drag our deckchairs in from the garden shed ready for another film fest when I realised that the selected films are to be chosen from Freeview for viewing.
    I wonder if Tilda and Marc might spare a thought for us citizens who like Tilda don't have a TV?

  7. nae bother ayewrite you can all come round to mine and watch the films problem solved ...tray of homebakes required !

  8. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Thanks Doc

    Will get the deck chairs out after all and fire up the stove for the bakes

  9. I am starting to feel very sorry for you ayewrite .... no tv, having to cook on a stove, maybe we could organise a "gurn from nairn coffee morning" to raise funds to enable you to live in the style that we are acustomed to...
    p.s. do you have a telephone or still using morse code ?

  10. Anonymous9:15 PM

    .-- . .-.. .-.. / -.. --- -.-. / .. / .... .- ...- . / -- --- ...- . -.. / --- -. / ..-. .-. --- -- / .- / .--. .... --- -. . / .- -. -.. / ..- ... . / .- / .-- .. .-. . .-.. . ... ... / -.. . ...- .. -.-. . / -....- / -.-. .- -. .----. - / .- .-.. .-.. / .-.. .. ...- . / .. -. / - .... . / ..--- ----- - .... / -.-. . -. - ..- .-. -.--

    oh and case be you can't read morse code...

    well doc I have moved on from a phone and use a wireless device - can't all live in the 20th century
