
Friday, January 02, 2009

Full steam ahead for 2009?

The Gurn isn't sure how much output we'll be capable of achieving this year but we'll do our best. Thanks to Pru for the picture. More of Pru's pics soon to be seen on the Gurn. And remember if there isn't much going on here you can get Nairn news and views over on Brian's MyNairn and Bill's blog is back in fast-load mode.


  1. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Just to say welcome back! We've missed you, and all the regular or irregular Gurners who help to keep a beady (or jaundiced) eye on what's going on in our town.

    I do confess to having sneaked over to the My Nairn blog once or twice during your absence, to throw a couple of pebbles into that particular pool.

    Let's hope that despite all the current gloomy news and the many local issues that make us angry, we can also continue to find things in 2009 that make us smile...

    Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks Nairnbairn and a Happy New Year to you too!
    Keep popping over to Brian's, it's a great addition to the Nairn Blogosphere :-)
