
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Technical difficulties at the Post Office scupper the Gurnmeister

The Gurnmeister worked all morning to finish an important project which he was in a hurry to post. So just after 1600 he made his way up to the remaining post office delighted that soon everything would be on its way to its destination. But a sign on the door said - 'Sorry shut at 3pm today due to technical difficulties.' Has the Post Office gone bust? I mean enough people are claiming Britain's bankrupt.
Will try again tomorrow at 0900.


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    It's very simple the whole computer system that a modern Post Office needs was being upgraded. The Sunrise system takes over 1 hour to get going in a morning. Without this system nothing can be done.

  2. Thanks it's fantastic to have one's curiosity satisfied so quickly.

  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Maybe they had just run out of 'lick' for the stamps which is now a 'technical difficulty'?

    Sounds like they should rename the computer system to sunset!

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    There is a very friendly Post Office in the Co-op at Tradespark Nairn and no queues.A E M
