Monday, March 23, 2009

The Visit Nairn strategy document – a manifesto for change?

The Gurnmeister has had a browse through the complete document, available on Iain Fairweather’s site. Inspired by the forthcoming debate that will take place in the Courthouse on Wednesday night the Editor of the Nairnshire debates Tourism in Nairn in his leader column this week. What strikes this reader of the visit Nairn Association’s document however, is that apart from tourism the paper goes straight to the heart of other questions that affects so many aspects of life in Nairn. Take for example the following extract from item 60:

'The town of Nairn notionally has three community councils (there are two more covering the rural ‘shire’). Each only represents a single ward, thus a limited part, or suburb, of the town. In fact only two of them actually exist; the third is defunct. The community council members are few, dedicated and hard working, but these bodies operate essentially as neighbourhood residents’ associations. None, therefore, is in a position to take an overall view of the interests of Nairn as a whole, and to articulate and represent the collective views of the town’s residents. In consequence, much of Nairn’s population feels disenfranchised. No other town-community in the region (with the exception of Inverness which is much larger) is represented in such a divided and patchy way. A unified community council for
the Burgh of Nairn would be a more effective and influential vehicle for debating and promoting the interests of the town.'

It is the view of the Gurnmeister that Visit Nairn are only reflecting the view of the majority of Nairnites here with this statement about our community councils but they are also demonstrating how radical their document is; an integral part of their suggestions towards a way forward is a call to change the way we govern ourselves in Nairn. So if you have a few moments this strategy document is well worth a read and if you care about some of the issues raised why not go along to the Courthouse on Wednesday night? This paper gives another chance for Nairnites to engage in debate about this town’s future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be honest,"The Majority of Nairnites" don't have a clue what is happening.At the moment it seems to be all just spin.Let the people decide,not the officials.