I wish the magazine well; more information about our community is always welcome.
The introductory welcome apologies for being brief (Surely a new magazine deserves better) but Spotlight have been ‘literally swamped with requests to print community information and by local businesses wishing to promote their trade’ hmm.
I’m sure Spotlight staff had their gunwales under water, but the end printed publication is a mishmash of adverts for businesses of which disappointingly by far the great majority are based in Forres, hardly ‘Nairn and District’.
Our community is covered by a listing of some of Nairn’s Clubs and Societies, a pastoral letter, a list of church times, and extracts from a meeting of Nairn Suburban Community Council (Last April’s meeting).
Just like the advertising, the ‘What’s on’ section is a merge of events happening in both the Highlands and Moray, and for some reason I found it incredibly difficult to read!
What I assume is a tide table (No month, doesn’t say where it’s for, nor if the times given are for high or low water, or if they are local or GMT times (Sorry to be picky!)) tells us that ‘walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times’.
School term dates don’t seem to tally completely with those given by Highland Council, but maybe they are for Moray?
But heh, it’s free! Have you got yours yet? Is this real competition to our Nairnshire Telegraph or indeed The Gurn!?
"All Nairnites"? Not Fishertown ones then.Time for a Gurn.
Heard it was delivered in the Fishertown yesterday Anon.
to know where they have been delivered just follow the trail of red rubber bands
Maybe parts off.
"A new community magazine"... To me "community magazine" implies run by/for the community, but I don't think this magazine is! It is produced by a company outwith Nairn and is done for profit, not for the good of the community. (And without wishing to gurn TOO much, it's not done very well, either.)
I had a problem getting my recycle bin to accept it, it's that bad
Come on the gurn, about time you took ads, I'd rather give my money to you any day than use these guys
It's delivered when there is some mail for your house. Everyone should get it by Saturday. Except if your in the opt-out for Door2door items.
Ah! somebody who knows what they are talking about.
Spotlight is still very Forres based but let's give it a chance. It holds great potential. Given that our own "community based" What's On has ceased publication due to cost, let's hope this mag succeeds. I hope local advertisers will support it and thus give the community a useful resource.
Iain, It is called Spotlight on "Nairn" Not Forres "NAIRN" notice the spelling N A I R N.
I say get rid of it and save paper. What a heap of absolute drivel. It never mentioned the Star Once!!
Panic not Gurners,got mine today.
Thats it I suppose.Wait! I didnt know they had a Sewing Class in the town.WOW!
@ anon of 12.43.
Suggest you check details of that organisation on Wikipedia. You might be surprised.
I see Nairn Anglers have now moved to Forres.Slightly out of date what?
Useful Contacts includes our Job Centre, would be very useful if we still had one.
I wonder how much other info is out of date
The Nairn Anglers contact number being a Forres one? Might work just as well if you need to contact them :-)
Well I just got my copy today and after a brief glance through it could see it was a somewhat 'flimsy' bit of work; information about who is behind it seemed curiously 'hidden' and not in the obvious places - on page 9, squeezed into the top right corner, for goodness sake! Why?
Nevertheless I thought I should blog about it and include a scanned image or two of the logo and contact information as it does seem to focus on Nairn, after all. Glad I checked here though, to see if you had already covered it - and now that I find you have, well I don't need to bother ;)
rename it candlelight as it's not very illuminating
I thought it was crap.
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