
Friday, November 06, 2009

Remember last year's Enquiry by Design process?

It was organised by the Prince's Foundation and concerned future development to the south of Nairn. Most of those that took part seemed to be impressed but not everyone went away happy. A lot of people that weren't there probably wondered what it was all about but you can see an explanation of the process on a Foundation PDF on -line, there is even a picture of the event in Nairn :
'The masterplan is a shared vision, resulting from energetic discussions within a wide sta keholder group (Nairn, 2008)'
This entire process has come in for some journalistic criticism however in a recent Times article. The APT blog takes an in depth look at EbD in the local and Scottish context and makes reference to the Times article. For students of all the development proposals in Nairn this latest APT post will no doubt be a must.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    It seems to be the "In Thing" in Nairn at the moment.Everyone having Visions.
    More a case of not being able to to see the wood for the trees.
