
Monday, March 22, 2010

Hugh McBean's walking guide to Nairn

Thanks to Doc Grigor for this link. Hughie needs no intro for Gurnites but if you're just visiting the Gurn or thinking of coming to Nairn on holiday perhaps you'd like to know a little more about our favourite postie, this P&J article will give you an idea of what a great guy he is. Hugh has made a first class video that sings just a few of Nairn's praises.

Anyway here's Hugh's video - enjoy the walk and your holiday in Nairn :-)

Update: Monday morning - back to the top with this post. There's been a lot on the Gurn over the weekend and throughout March. Only about the first twenty articles feature on the main page, to see links to all 81 articles posted so far this month just scroll down the sidebar a little to the blog archive.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    No wonder our post is always late

    Only joking, nice video Hugh :)

  2. Phew Hugh7:48 PM

    A First Class delivery from postman
    Hugh, good to see 2 fine actors
    now stay in the town,
    Eat your heart out George Clooney,
    with this performance Hugh, could an
    other Oscar be heading to Nairn.
    Ps just a wee footnote there is only two things that can be seen from outer space The Great Wall of
    China & Hughs jacket!!!!.

  3. nairnbairn8:22 PM

    What a star!

    This guy does more to promote Nairn - for free - in a three-minute YouTube video than VisitScotland has done in three years or more at a cost of millions...

    Well done Hugh - all of Nairn should be proud of you.

  4. Seafield8:48 PM

    You have summed it up perfectly Nairnbairn...

  5. Special Delivery9:01 PM

    Clearly a screen test for Hollywood

    We'll be sorry to lose you Hugh, maybe you too will remember Nairn by bring out your own male fragrance, musty sorting room sort of smell maybe, with just a hint of an Ashers pie?

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Nairn's got talent! Proof that we are best left to our own devices. The likes of visitscotland just get in the way!

    Nice one Hugh McBean

  7. The Town should employ Hugh as official Chief tourist guide to Nairn. With tourist office in Town centre paid for by Sainsburys , HRC and Visit Scotland. Sock it to them Hugh !

  8. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Well done Hugh, just one thing the fishers spoke English and uptown the Gaelic. Visit Nairn Museum for the full story.

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Ah well done for Hugh! Ok thats part I, when do we get part II

    Shame about the porno music backing track haha...


  10. Anon said: 'Well done Hugh, just one thing the fishers spoke English and uptown the Gaelic.'
    Yes a good point Anon, but an interesting question is what did the Fishers speak before they started speaking English? Remember the recent DNA tests that showed Celtic origins.

    No doubt there were areas of the town where bilingualism was common for trade purposes.

  11. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Nairnbairn said it exactly - great work Hugh and friends. :)

    - Brian

  12. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hi,i am really embarrassed about the whole thing,i got a call asking me to do some filming and i thought yeah i could do that, not knowing what i was getting myself into.I never really got a heads up to exactly what they wanted,so when they started filming it was "now talk about Nairn"with me not having my wife Mandy there to poke me and tell me what to say my mind went blank.So i don't really think i did our great town justice soz about that.


  13. Hugh, no probs, you can be proud of your efforts, it comes across really well, a great natural performance. Well done!

  14. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Nice one Hugh, never seen it in the full. Also thanks to Royal Mail for paying for the video. Probably spent more money flying the TV crew up from London, than Visit Scotland ever does on the town.

  15. MGM Productions12:43 PM

    Please dont worry about your vocal descriptions on tape its a rap, very much impressed with your gentle manner which came across very well. My agent will be in touch with the filming diary for my next production, hope you can fit
    it in as i know you are very busy with other scripts at the moment.
    Hear from you later.
    Steven Speilberg.

  16. steve6:33 PM

    Hugh you came over very natural on the film and i dont hesitate to say you did the town proud, keep up the good work.

  17. Pussy Galore8:41 PM

    Exclusive only to The Gurnite Fans
    I have inside knowledge from those
    in the film industry that Hugh McBean is in the frame as the new
    James Bond, the production company
    who make the 007 movies where very
    impressed with the husky Nairnite
    accent & good physique, so watch this space, you will be the first
    to know.
