
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tilda perfume in the shops soon

One of our regular correspondents reports that Tilda has launched a perfume. The Nairn film star has developed her own perfume with one of the concepts being that she will reminded of sitting by her fire in Nairn on a Sunday afternoon. Lots more details about the new Tilda pefume here.


  1. Brute8:32 AM

    Eau de dear?

  2. Old Spice10:37 AM

    Get Tilda to cause a stink in protest of the threatened closure
    of The Tourist Information Office

  3. Local Smells11:12 AM

    While viewing your site i noticed
    your mention of the new perfume by
    Tilda Swinton titled LIKE THIS
    which is featured in The Scented
    Salamander web page which has a feature on the fragrance developed
    by Miss Swinton where she states
    that it had to reminder of her home town of Nairn, i wonder would it be possible as this a local &
    clearly a popular blog in my research i would be very much obliged if any of your Gurn Fans
    would take part and mention on this
    blog what Fragrance would remind them of their home town of Nairn

  4. reeking lum8:53 PM

    Well for Local Smells there would be:

    Eau de sewage, chips, peat, silage, pigs, sea, Indian, coal, wood smoke, traffic, scaffie truck

    On thinking about it no wonder Tilda is launching a perfume!
