
Monday, August 30, 2010

That new bendy bit at the top of the High Street

Perhaps the other side of the road will be made bigger to allow traffic to pass simultaneously straight on and also along Leopold Street but one or two Gurnites have mentioned how the new layout might possible create a bottleneck. One of our regular readers has also sent in a picture. A vehicle trying to unload on the pavement outside Boots is obviously causing a problem.


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    lets just all admit it, they f**ked up big time designing this, there was nothing wrong with what was there before

  2. Button6:26 PM

    Looks like Nairn could be in the running to hold a Formula 1 event with this new road layout, cool!
    Give us boy racers a bit of a challenge as well

  3. Tory boy6:28 PM

    Prehaps we could get one of those bendy buses that Boris was flogging off in London for Nairn now?

  4. Mal Function11:37 PM

    It didn't need an expert eye, or a crystal ball, to spot that the Streetscape changes would make the problems of traffic, parking and unloading on the High Street even worse than before.

    But then almost every Council project carried out in Nairn has made things worse... so should we be surprised?

  5. Is it possible people are missing the point here ? The Streetscape, in common with current best practice, is being designed to discourage vehicles and give more space to pedestrians. Is this not a good thing ? It will make the High St a more pleasant place to shop, and encourage people to get out of their cars and walk more often. Has anyone tried to negotiate the High St with a pushchair or wheelchair in the last ten years, squeezing between the parked cars and the shop fronts ? Stop whining and walk a couple of hundred metres !
