Friday, October 22, 2010

‘The Death of Nairn’ – most interesting Gurn article so far

The Death of Nairn post has inspired 48 readers to click ‘interesting’ in the feedback gadget, this surpasses the previous record held by Hugh McBean’s sensational walking video.

1 comment:

APTSec said...

You are truly fortunate Gurn; APTSec only wishes that the info put on the APT site could generate such interest, especially at this crucial time in Development Plan preparation.

You will note that APTSec recently spoke out at the determination hearing for the Inveress East, 'Stratton' Planning Application.

Link to Minutes below:

My view know is that every applicant in the area will site the precedents set by this application - large scale development allowed on large areas of farmland. The applicant's consultant in this case was keen to point out that THC Planning and Development allowed building on greenfield land for the new Beechwood university campus.

Another thing of course is that this approval in effect creates the outcome that the development plan for the area will be shaped by consents largely given in advance of the completion of the development plan process. What happens now when people object to the principle of the development of this area through the development plan process or indeed the phasing of this development?

I wonder what it was that aroused such a response from people on this particular item? However, whilst people found it interesting it did not provoke many comments.