
Monday, February 14, 2011

Recycling fines proposal gets more publicity

Highland Council's proposal for fines for folk that don't recycle gets aired in the Hearald today.

"ONE of Scotland’s largest local authorities has called on the Government to introduce on- the-spot fines of £60 to residents who do not recycle.

Highland Council wants households who throw out cardboard, newspapers, plastic bottles and glass and those who contaminate recycling bins with food waste and other items such as soiled nappies to be fined."

Errr, hold on can we have something to put the plastic and cardboard in first please? We've gurned about this before actually. More in the Herald.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Indeed Gurn and I think that I might have commented before.

  2. Every 2 weeks I put out my empty blue box (I buy very little canned food and no newspapers), and then drive to the tip with a full estate car load of bottles, cardboard and plastic milk jugs. Not exactly environmentally friendly. Recycling in the Highlands is a joke.

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    How much to police this?

  4. I religiously take a car load of stuff to the recycling point at the quarry every few weeks, but always feel like it's a totally futile excercise, not only in the 'carbon mileage equivalent' stakes, but just generally that it's a completely pointless excercise. Why isn't that money and effort spent making the manufacturers use re-usable containers. We've got worse at this type of thing - remember when you used to get money back on your lemonade bottles and they got re-used (not smashed up and 'recycled'). Why don't the bottle manufacturers re-introduce that incentive ?
    One final gurn - why oh why do you have to feed the plastic milk cartons into the skip individually ???? It's infuriating, and I often feel like just emptying my bag of them on the ground in protest. It's at that point of standing in the pouring rain feeding them one by one in to that daft wee slot in the container which I wedge open with another milk carton that I really begin to think someone is just having a laugh with me to see how far they can control my thoughts and actions, and how ludicrous a thing they can make me do.
    There has to be a better way !

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Dont worry about it.There are a few new cameras on the High St.They will soon get it sorted?

  6. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Global Warming !!! we had the ice age and there was no rubbish to recycle then, what was to blame....... MOTHER NATURE...
    We are being treated like morons who cann't see that the whole recycling plan is a government ploy to save them money.. then they can give us a grea big ZERO for our council tax. what we should do is withhold our council tax. Then maybe they would listen to us ...after all look what has happened in the middle east when people stand up for their rights, they will usually get it
