
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sainsbury's Balmakeith - the queue for jobs starts here?

Interviews already?

Sainsbury's should be ready in August and will commence recruiting with open days in May.

UPDATE: more pictures now on the Gurn flickr pages.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Is that the Convenor moonlighting at Sainsburys site?

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I hope he's getting ready for his next job after the Council elections....

  3. Sarah -Mackintosh -Brodie1:47 AM

    I wonder if there will be Jobs for the Boys?

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Why didnt they share the job of cutting the turf, like they did with the provost's chain!!!

  5. Hopefully jobs for the boys and the girls, the middle aged, the retired even if they fancy a few hours.
    A chance for a job without having to fork out for petrol or bus fairs to get to Inverness for the pleasure.
    Could save some people £25-30 a week?

  6. Will Sainsburys be stocking milk from the creamery just across the road ?
    You would like to think so - and if not, I'd like to hear their justification for not doing so. They wouldn't even need a lorry - just get a mannie to walk across the new pedestrian crossing and wheel the stuff across - and they'd never need to run out of it either !

  7. Good point Nairnac!

    Nairnshire Garlic too? Plus local loaves and fishes?
    Maybe there could be a little more food production on the industrial estate if Sainsbury's were keen to take local items?

  8. Loaves and Fishes eh? - I could do my trick of turning water into wine for them too - I find it's a useful skill for when I walk across to the Old Bar at high tide for a peaceful picnic in the summer after a hard day kicking the money lenders asses !

  9. Anonymous11:54 AM

    With regards to the mention of 300 new full and part time jobs to the area. Does this include the workforce that will be involved in the construction? I wonder how many jobs there will be once the store is up and running? Any comments, someone from Sainsbury's?

  10. Anonymous2:46 PM

    How much local produce does the Co-op take?
