
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Second A96 bed planted up

Thanks to Billy for this picture of the work done today by the Keep Nairn Colourful volunteers.


  1. Sarah-Mackintosh-Brodie7:41 PM

    Well done to all the volanteers, Girl Guides, BBs and to everybody who has put there effort and time in to this and to the people who made a donation without your help this wouldnt of happened Thank You

  2. growtosow8:34 AM

    thank you to sarah-mackintosh-brodie, for her comments on this and it is down to work by the keeping nairnshire colourful group and all the groups who give their time, the girls yesterday did a great job, and it was pointed out they could see it progress as they grew up something to be proud of i think. the keeping nairnshire colourful group are always looking for folk to help with their projects.
