
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ceilidh at the Royal British Legion this Friday (May 20)

Another family ceilidh to raise funds for the refurbishment of the Royal British Legion's Highland Hall is being staged on Friday (May 20) commencing at 8pm.
All proceeds will go towards the refurbishment which is much used by the local community by various organisations.
Master of Ceremonies Donald Wilson said: "The last ceilidh raised over £600 and it was a great night. We have Jimmy Urquhart's band, lots of local entertainers and if it's anything like the last ceilidh it's going to be a great night. Admission (which can be paid at the door) is £5.


  1. nae body there5:34 PM

    Went to the Ceilidh very poor turnout so could not have made much towards the new hall fund, don't know why, was it not well publicised??

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    To answer nae body I think the problem is the locals are now so used to to the musicians repertoire at the ceilidhs its no longer an atraction.

  3. Rosemary Young1:18 PM

    Its really disappointing to read negative comments about the amazing ceilidhs. Our visitors think the experience is just wonderful and gives them an insight into the very essence of Scotland. A handshow of who is a visitor and who is local clearly identifies the importance of this weekly event as very often 40 percent is made up from our tourists. The line ups are not boring and each week has something new for all. Just the other day at a poorly attended function the singing was superb and considering the price of entry and the low costs of drinks - what more could one ask for. Marketing is obviously important and the tourism industry were actually unaware of the latest ceilidh. However, visitors were present and once again showed their appreciation verbally and on follow up. Keep it up Ceilidh group and do not get knocked back by adverse comments as you do a terrific job for tourism and of course the charitable donations you are able to make.
    Rosemary Young
    Chair Nairn Tourism Asociation

  4. I was there4:21 PM

    How can they be negative comments
    Rosemary Young when as the saying goes the truth sometimes hurts & if as you stated the Ceilidhs are amazing why the very poor turn out, or does it depend on what the monies are to help???? in this case The Legion Hall Fund you would have thought that there might even been a good turn out of Legion members at the concert
    but alas no, but to give you credit Rosemary I know you & The Ceilidh Group do a lot of hard work all for free & must be congratulated for providing much needed entertainment for the tourists to the town, & the daft thing is there is another Ceilidh
    this Friday at The Legion but i bet this time the place will be heaving, its a funny old world.

  5. Correspondence on this thread now closed. In future we will not take comments on such items. We're glad to give publicity but not really wanting to host a debate on the success or otherwise of such events.
