It appeared this morning and will also be there Saturday and Sunday up to 6.p.m. Glad to see anything that brings folk down the street. A Continental Market is a great idea but please could we have a weekly Nairnshire Market for local produce? Do you agree? See new Gurn poll below Independence vote.
A market would be a regular attracton and could get a few retail tourists down from Sainsbury's too.
PS there have been a few issues on Blogger (the platform that hosts the Gurn) and articles and comments have been vanishing and reappearing from time to time. For a while all the millions of blogs in the Google cloud were on read only and we couldn't get in to update. Things seem to be returning to normal and this observer has been very content with the service provided over the years since the Gurn started. If your comments have vanished or haven't shown up yet then please be patient :-)
Great pity it's not a local market!
was this event advertised i dont recall reading about it anywhere ?
I do hope the local businesses were asked about this beforehand. I know folk who work in the shops in Inverness High St and when the Belgian toffee waffle stall showed up the shops' trade would plummet. Why doesn't Nairn have a local market? After all, we're surrounded by farms and are famous for our dairy, garlic and whisky cakes...
Couldn't agree more Green Dad. Maybe we can do a lot more to encourage that through the Nairnshire blogging community.
In the last millennium this observer was one of several street traders in Castle Lane selling second hand books for two or three years and great fun we had - even when faced with the authorities trying to stamp us out. The public loved it however and a compromise was reached. We had to put in for street traders' licences under the Civic Government Act 1982 and eventually apply for planning permission too.
I imagine that someone somewhere in Highland Region has given them permission.
Maybe to kick things off locally, a charity should be allowed onto Castle Lane every Saturday?
Is this the Highland Council lot deciding what's good for the plebs again? They must have given the go ahead for this? Did any of the local Councillors know anything about this? I would like to stress that I have no problem with the concept of a market of any description be it local or continental. However, I do feel that this is yet another example of how we are being ruled and dictated to by the Invercentric Highland Council officials deciding on what’s best for Nairn.
Whatever happened to the market stalls which the old District Council had? Are they still lying about in the old Stables at Viewfield?
What about some buskers? We had a couple of eastern Europeans that did no harm and entertained the public in Forres a couple of years ago. They were moved on by the Elgincentric Moray Council as they contravened some trumped up regulation or local bye-law from three centuries ago (or some such).
Buskers add character and interest to a tourist town like Nairn, yes the music may not be everyone's taste but it's free and so are you to move along.
Buskers and a regular market bring it on!
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