
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Highland High Life Directors sought

This observer remembers oor Sandy saying it would be a good thing if someone from Nairn were on the board of the company that is to run the Council's Leisure and Community Learning services. The kind of folk they are looking for are peope with:

A good track record in business or community management;
Experience of working as part of a board or senior management team;
Experience of leading a team within a company or community organisation;
Knowledge of the cultural, learning and/or leisure sector in the Highlands; and
Relevant business skills that could contribute to the development of the company; including Financial, legal, property, personnel, marketing, ICT and general management skills.

There will be four councillors on the Board (none from our area) and eight citizens. More details here if you fancy it. It's the unknown really, let's hope it works and it would be better for us if someone from Nairnshire were there.

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