
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Local Press Review

"Nairn United" is the Nairnshire's front page banner headline this week. The town's three community councils have agreed to, well, er, not much really/or something that might lead somewhere, perhaps, maybe? Decide for yourself and have a good read of the article and Iain Bain's hard-hitting editorial on this topic. The people that matter most, the public of Nairn, were excluded from the meeting between the CC's and some of the community councillors too. Incidentally if you look at the latest figures on the Gurn poll you will see that the majority still want a single council for the town. 264 votes and 71% want a single CC. Those for the status quo 12% are now outnumbered by the the "don't cares" on 14%.
A picture of David Hind lifting the Morganti cup on page 1 too and an extensive two-page spread on the sports pages detailing the Wee County's excellent victory. A close encounter of the dangerous kind on the Altonburn Road rat run on page 2 and news of how mobility scooters can't get up/down the cemetery path to Boath Park because of pedestrian barriers on the road. That will have to be sorted before Sainsbury's opens.
River CC are refuting claims that they are to blame for traffic lights - details on page 5. And the recent spate of bevvying on the beaches has led to calls for a by-law to ban drinking on the East Beach - all the nitty-gritty on page 7. All this and more in a bumper 16 page edition.
Nairn - the town where the dead-tree press still make waves!

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