
Monday, May 23, 2011

Traffic lights on the Nairn Bypass

Anyone using the Auldearn-Cawdor road to avoid the Nairn traffic lights today will be in for a surprise.


  1. Passer-By8:54 PM

    The contractors have been working their way along that road, from the crossroads with the Grantown Road nearer to Auldearn, resurfacing and filling in potholes.

    Hasn't stopped the timber lorries, the white-van drivers with satnavs, and the canny local commuters from blasting along that backroad at 60 mph scaring the bejasus out of cyclists and decimating the local pheasant population.

  2. lazy so and so9:45 PM

    Always good to see a set of traffic lights without a workman in sight!
