
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Parking enforcement

As seen on the brae yesterday by Iain. Watch where you park Gurnites, the free-for-all is over now.


  1. About time too, let's have more of it. Too many selfish people in Nairn have got used to parking where and when they like without fear of getting caught. Plus the warden is quite cute - bonus !

  2. Need to get out more11:19 AM

    Since when has a yellow meanie giving you a parking ticket equalled "cute"?

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Well said Greg. The number of motorists obviosly stopping for an emergency loaf, emergency fags or emergency whatever is incredible. And why do so many of them think that leaving on the hazard warning lights mitigates their actions? As if anyone can't see the hazard.

  4. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Its not like there isn't plenty of free parking just behind the library etc.

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    well someone nipped into the shop i work for a emergency loaf and parked right outside the door....the warden came in the shop and forcefully told the woman to move the car

    the warden may be cute but she has hell of a bark lol

  6. Three points5:50 PM

    To be fair you would really need a flashing blue light on your vehicle to qualify for legal parking for an emergency loaf

  7. Anonymous6:12 PM

    did you say bark .. does that mean she can give the dogs a quick shift off the beach?

  8. Sorry Ouch, can't take that one, have to get parked too sometimes you know.

  9. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Dear Gurn could you please clarify
    regarding a comment i made which
    mentioned that i had a blue badge
    and i was annoyed at the selfish persons who park in the disabled
    bays etc etc would you have the courtesy to reply as to why this was omitted just so at least i have the knowledge as to the reason why in case i wish to make
    any further comments, and to check in future that i wont be wasting my time.

  10. Hello Anon(11.28), I haven't seen such a comment yet anon.
    Sometimes we don't allow comments or will edit a piece or two out of them however.

  11. ArtistIntheAmbulance7:30 AM

    Great, just what we need when Nairn's budget could be spent on better things, like improving the horrible roads around Nairn.

    I'll start respecting parking wardens when they fix all the yellow lines in Nairn, if any of you had an idea of how many yellow lines in Nairn are unenforceable, it'd definately be a free-for-all!

  12. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I agree with Greg and peeps parking in disabled shouldnt be allowed..Abide with the law an they don't bother you..!

  13. Anonymous7:47 AM

    its about timr parking tickets were issued,folk know the rules when they pass their test,so no excuses,fine them,they,ll soon learn
