
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fishertown - West End - Hospital - Sainsbury's bus service

Click on the image to enlarge. Tommy Hogg sends the Gurn this copy of the new timetable. This service is in addition to the 20 & 20a services and is a result of campaigning by the River Community Council. It seems to have started without any fanfare however and Tommy was surprised to see the bus down in the Fishertown. He went up to the Council offices and obtained a copy of the timetable.

UPDATE: Copies on the timetable available at the Courthouse service point.


  1. wheels on the bus8:57 AM

    As far as I know this hasn't been advertised so buses must be running near empty. I wonder as to how long it would have run without folk knowing? Probably would have been cancelled within a few weeks with the excuse that no one was using it? I wonder if we'll get bus stops in the fishertown or do we just need to stand by the side of the road at the appropriate time?

  2. nairnlass9:38 AM

    If the bus can go down and around the fishertown and lochloy, why did they take away the bus from tradespark. Do they think that no-one living in tradespark may want to go to sainsburys as well!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    What a shame they have missed out Tradespark, which being furthest away you would think in most need. Yes there is the main buses Inv to Aberdeen but they have steps to climb, which is not easy for older folk trying to carry messages!

    ***Bring Back The Boring Button***

  4. Anonymous12:49 PM

    where does that bus stop on Manse Road?

  5. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Probably where ever you want it to stop Anon. Why not give it a try.?

  6. Tony Pledger3:56 PM

    Is this service still running through Fishertown? The lunchtime bus at Park Street (1.45pm) didn't materialise today Feb.10. Have they suddenly abandoned Fishertown without warning?
