Green Dad has expanded his cyber-output to twitter and facebook. The Gurn sends feeds to twitter but has never bothered with facebook, if there is every anything sufficiently interesting someone will usually link to it from their facebook account.
Facebook is an good tool for Community pages too and with that in mind please note the campaign to find Ruraidh continues too. Perhaps the biggest and most influential facebook campaign in Nairn was the Save the Swimming Pool pages.
According to the group Talk About Local the use of people extending their use of facebook from the personal to the community space is a major trend. They have a page "Ways of building communities on Facebook" which may interest some gurnites.
1 comment:
What kind of Father is The Green Dad noticed on his GDs Blog that he mentioned his 2 year daughter has phoned the 999 emergency a couple of times & he thinks this is funny which it is indeed not I know she only a young child but surely its the parents responsibility that little fingers dont press on the keyboard ever again & to put the phone somewhere higher out of reach of the child, its no laughing matter for those who have to deal with the incoming 999 calls which sometimes deal with life & death matters every day
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