He still hasn't turned up Gurnites. Aileen and her family desperately want him home. Please keep your eyes peeled everywhere you go this weekend. If you can spare any time at all please have a look around your area of the town or countryside and if you can just go a bit further too and see if there is any sign. Here's the latest from Aileen on the Facebook group that is co-ordinating efforts:
"My faith in humanity is knowing no bounds just now. Network Rail just phoned me to ask how the search was going and to tell me that their maintenance men had been out tramping miles of track to see if they could see anything. The words 'Thank you' seem so small to everyone, but please- from the heart, everyone- thank you so, so much. Please pass on the contact information to anyone who may not know it. -Me-07813022717 or 01667 458542 (for the dog warden) 01667 452222 (Nairn Police)" Click here for the Facebook group.
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