Hundreds of Nairn residents turned out today at the War Memorial. Numbers were, once again, up on the previous year.

A Gaelic tribute on one of the wreaths - The regimental toast of the Highlanders
Tir nam Beann, nan Gleann, 's nan Gaisgeach,
Far am faighear an t-eun fionn
'S far am faigh am faidh fasgadh
Cho fada's chitear ceo mu bheann
'S a ruitheas uisge le gleann,
Mairidh cuimhne air euchd nan treun
Slainte agus buaidh gu brath
Le Gillean Gleadach
Cabarfeidh gu brath !
The Land of Hills, Glens and Heroes,
Where the Ptarmigan thrives
And where the red deer finds shelter.
As long as mist hangs o'er the Mountains
And water runs in the glens.
The deeds of the Brave will be remembered
Health and Success forever
To the Lads from the Highlands
Cabarfeidh gu Brath !
(The Deer's Horns Forever !)
Individual pictures here
a good turn out but once again the guides and scouts were left at the back, down the road by Millbank, with no view of procedings. If we want to encourage the young to get involved we need to include them more.
I have to agree to a certain extent as to what you are saying but most of the people marching on the parade at the front Women and Men were mostly all serving past and present people.As they deserve there place. I agree with what you are saying.I think if you send a letter to The Royal British Legion Nairns Secretary and explain to them your thoughts about the parade and how they can make it better for the younger people from all organisations iam sure they would help you in any way with the mostest respect. Iam sorry if you or anybody was offended. Kind Regards.
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