
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Nairnshire group that meets behind closed doors to review direction

The Gurn understands that the Nairnshire Partnership has invited all Community Councils to send two representatives to a meeting on the 17th of this month to "review its membership and future direction."
What is the Nairnshire Partnership and why does it need to meet behind closed doors? This is what they say on their website:
"The Nairn Initiative has now been superceded by the Nainshire Partnership,a multi-bodied partnership between the voluntary sector, private sector and public agencies. The Nairnshire Parnership is the Community Planning Partnership for the area" You can read more here.
On the face of it the Nairnshire partnership is quite important then, even the more reason to be completely transparent if it is to enjoy the support of the community. However there has been quite serious criticism of the Partnership in recent times, here's what NICE had to say at the height of their 2011/12 winter/spring activity:

"It is of course true that the Nairn(shire) Partnership exists as a collective formal group. Evidence exists that it has ceased to offer a genuine forum for the development of a shared vision, but serves primarily a vehicle for the local authorities to make announcements and deliver vision. The emergence of other groups – of which NICE is only the most recent – is a clear sign that the Nairnshire Partnership is not fulfilling the role envisaged in the official guidance"

It is interesting that at a time when NICE hopes to come back to life (an initiative very, very much contingent on the rank and file mustering to the colours perhaps) that the Nairnshire Partnership should also seek to redefine itself. the Gurn calls upon the Nairnshire Partnership to open its doors to the public on the 17th and will go along in the hope of being able to report on the proceedings.

1 comment:

  1. It's becoming Pythonesque....

    "If you want to join the Nairnshire Partnership, you've got to really hate the Nairnshire Initiative Community Enterprise. Splitters...."
