Strong support this evening at the River Community Council meeting for the latest design from the developer's representative. There were some reservations concerning colours etc but mindful that there could be more "tweaks" in the pipeline yet after further discussions between the developer and the Highland Council, River CC were minded to back the development in principle. The vote was unanimous. (The artist's impression above will enlarge)
It's hard to tell, but if the small van that is parked outside the new development to the right is to scale, then each floor of flats will have have a ceiling height of under six foot!
I'm pleased that River CC have reached some form of resolution over the matter & design of this building.
It looks like the building consultants have actually listened to those who voiced concerns about the height and appearance of the intial proposal.
All the applicants and River CC have to do now is to find some way of pacifying TEC services and Transport Scotland & everyone will be happy......
@ Joe, lack the specialist resources to determine whether your comment is good to go.
I'd like to know what it will look like from Viewfield. Will the old barn-type building used as a store by the sports centre be knocked down as part of the development or just dwarfed?
No problem Des, was just a thought that it might not be quite to scale ?
It'll still be there and dwarfed yes.
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