
Friday, December 23, 2011

NICE moves towards development trust status and seeks 1000 members

The NICEafarians met on Monday night. They had an EGM which enabled them to pass a couple of resolutions that should help them move forward as a "Community Body" should the OSCR (the Office of the Scottish Charities Register) give their approval. A minute of their meeting states:

"Michael Barnett said that the immediate next steps included finalising the proposed new Articles of the Company, their informal submission to OSCR for approval, a membership drive (the target of 1000 had been suggested during the meeting), initial work on a business plan and funding requirements, and engagement with parties such as Highland Council, Local Councillors, and Community Councils. Once progress had been made on these and other matters, it would be necessary to call a further Extraordinary General Meeting at which the proposed new Articles would have to be voted on, which would involve a Special Resolution requiring a 75% vote in favour."

Obviously as the minute quoted above states, NICE has a lot of work to do but it will be interesting to see what happens as we draw near the Highland Council elections in May. If NICE has a successful membership drive and the town's three community councils reaffirm their support then it will be interesting to see if all sitting councillors and any candidates endorse the NICE business plan should it be ready by then. More information on the NICE website.


  1. growtosow5:09 PM

    what does membership entail? is their a cost for membership? do we get a badge t shirt? all these questions and so much more.

  2. Membership used to cost a pound but now the NICEafarians are going in a new direction perhaps that might have changed.
    T-shirts? None for sale on their website but maybe they will adopt that as anther resolution - A New Year's Resolution? :-)
