
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

What the Inverness by-pass might look like

Highland Council have their own Youtube channel now and the video below is available there.

You can also watch how traffic exiting and entering the UHI campus would operate. Please can we have one for a Nairn by-pass? Pretty please?
Greendad isn't pleased at all with the concept of the Inverness by-pass, "When's a bypass not a bypass," he asks. Can't help but wonder if he has a point. Do we as Nairn Council taxpayers help contribute to the Inverness by-pass which will be built by Highland Council yet have to wait for the Scottish Government to build ours? Common Good campaigner Andy Wightman also has some thoughts on the proposed Inverness bypass and Highland Council will probably not be too happy to hear them!


  1. Dougal5:08 PM

    Wow, lots more magic roundabouts for Inversneckie. Given that the simulation shows very little traffic is this a projection for the future with hardly anyone being able to afford a car or the fuel to put in it?

  2. Green Pa5:18 PM

    The main road structure in Inverness is already under great strain caused by volume of traffic that this bypass if ever built will not resolve. Witness the queues coming south on the A9 queuing over the Kessock bridge every morning. I'm told that this currently adds 20-30 minutes to a south bound journey and is only going to get worse, likewise traffic tailbacks coming into Inverness on the A96 from Nairn, again the bypass is unlikely to address this traffic
    About time that planners looked beyond spending great mounds of money on small strips of new road that make little impact on the general traffic problems
