
Saturday, January 21, 2012

More tlc needed for listed signal boxes?

Back in November the Gurn published this picture of the unseasonally warm weather beating down on the former Nairn East signal box. That post attracted a comment today which Gurnites may find interesting:

"Paul Francis said...

Regarding the photograph of the redundant Nairn East signal box I would like to express my sadness st the lack of maintenance. I worked at the station in the 1970's with the other signalmen - Campbell Mckenzie and Gordon Milne. We took a pride in looking after the station and the surrounds including tending the flowerbeds.

Researching on the internet it appears that both signal boxes are Category B Listed Buildings. Apparently, owners of listed buildings may be compelled to repair and maintain such buildings and local authorities are responsible for ensuring that this is done.

Is this something that can be taken up with the Council?

Paul Francis"

It does indeed seem that the two signal boxes are listed buildings. Time for the rail authority responsible to administer some tlc? Perhaps one of our local councillors is reading the Gurn tonight and might have an opinion? Any gurnites out there that take an interst in railways and railway affairs?


  1. Anonymous11:56 PM

    It's a great shame to see it like this.I remember many years ago going to school and seeing a signal worker jumping on his bike to go up and change the track or whatever they did as i crossed the bridge..

  2. Hamish6:05 PM

    Am I right in thinking that one of the platforms of the railway station is the longest one in Scotland?

    Reflecting on my childhood and visits to the station brings back to me some indelible memories.

    The large brass hand-bell that stood on the cill of the booking office window that looked on to platform and was rung more often than not by ‘Roddie’ Mackenzie. It was used when a train was about a mile from the station so as to alert waiting passengers that their train was approaching.

    Menzies book and paper shop which was managed by ‘Kate’ Stephens who always had a smile and a warm greeting for her customers, young and not so young, or folk just passing bye the stall, She was a lovely person.

