
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bus station garage site redevelopment plans get the go-ahead

The controversial plans for flats and a supermarket on the site of the derelict bus station garage have been approved today at the Highland Council planning meeting. River CC Chair Tommy Hogg told the Gurn, "I'm chuffed, I'm really pleased."

UPDATE: this matter was discussed later in the evening at the Suburban Community Council meeting inside Nairn Academy. Here's a few notes from earlier today (Tuesday).

Liz said: I requested it to be deferred because I felt it was too high…it’s going to dominate the whole landscape in that part of the town, but there was a vote on it and I lost."
Laurie stated that if it had been deferred it would have been put back to July and the developer could have gone to the Reporter.
Liz went on to say: “I think the problem is the car parking. Obviously, I think the figures that came before the committee were optimistic in the number of car parking spaces that were available. Particularly in daytime, I’ve seen people driving round and round trying and I’ve done that myself trying to get a parking space.”
John Hart asked Liz: “So all the objections were technically ignored then.”
“Eh, yes!” Replied Liz.
“Right ok, sounds familiar,” added John Hart.



    The web cast is available on the council web site at link above.

    One thing that struck me particularly was the issue of parking places.

    Another thing was the development viability.

    The agenda point is 4.2 which is at index point 1:20:44

    Officer says that it is a 'tight site' but applicants have shown that services can be provided.

    Impact on trees was mentioned and the fact that these trees are 'hard on the boundary'. A condition would be required to protect trees.

    Concerns on design addressed by discussion with applicants.

    No parking for retail unit which would require 27 extra spaces for its floorspace. Applicant has identified that for most of the day there are spaces available for use in Nairn.

    The key issue is whether there is sufficient parking in Nairn and whether this issue for strong enough to refuse application and whether developer would provide contributions to parking elsewhere.

    Site visit suggested by Liz and discussion on this followed. It was pointed out by legal that this could not take place before June and the delay would result in applicants being able to challenge on the grounds of deemed refusal.

    Discussion over building height and it standing on its own.

    Hope I have grasped these points correctly. I am typing whilst the web cast is running in the background. You'll need to view it to make sure and to find out what happened in the rest of the discussion.

  2. Thanks APT Sec, I gather there was a hiccup in the live streaming yesterday and the final decision on this didn't become known until a journalist present started ringing round Nairn for reaction.
    And of course there was debate at Suburban CC last night.
    This application will continue to be controversial for some time and opinion and Community Councils in Nairn are deeply split.

  3. The Jacobite10:49 AM

    Is it not a fact it was on the hit list off eye sores?? That all the campaigning was for and the owner asked to do something about it and now they have it still not acceptable to some. As for car parking they are about to create more with the demolition of the Old community center Which I understand is to go on the market for redevelopment. Filling station {Witch the building could of been put to use as the office space required??}

    And it looks quite comfortable to me.

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I agree with Mr Jacobite. Nairn young people need somewhere to live and another supermarket will be handy too.

  5. Money talks in this town11:51 AM

    And why should young people have to live in cramped accommodation bedside a main road, above a shop, and beside a fire station, a Police station, and a car park? Not exactly a prime or even a nice area

    Mrs Jacobite may be correct in that extra parking might be created for now on the old CC site, but the owners of the library building also own some car parking spaces and the lease for the library is up soon

  6. Jings2:21 PM

    Mmmmm, Let me get this straight. The Co-op have the old filling station knocked down to make more car parking spaces for a new shop opening across the road that really should have there own customer car parking spaces. If I was the Co-op, I think I would change my mind about knocking down the filling station.
