
Friday, June 29, 2012

Swan dad sets aboot the white ducks

The tranquillity of the riverside jobbie walks was broken late this evening (Friday) as swan dad set aboot the three white ducks that have recently arrived on the river. He must think they are swans just like him or maybe he is just making an excuse for a bit of time off from family life and amusing himself with a bit of bullying. For around twenty minutes he pursued the ducks relentlessly. 
It must be pretty stressful trying to lead a duck's life with a huge beast like that coming along to give you a hard time just as you are settling down for a snooze. Maybe the three white ducks should be re-homed to a battered ducks sanctuary.


  1. Unfortunately it's part of a swans DNA to chase away white birds, this includes their own offspring as soon as they become primarily white ! The ducks have survived the harrassment so far, and will just have to learn to keep well away and a safe distance from the swans. Had the ducks nest not been swept away, their natural home would have been the road bridge island, the ducks staying upstream of the Merryton bridge seems to satisfy the swans !

  2. C Darwin11:04 AM

    Nice theory re the DNA, but the swans seem to tolerate seagulls to a much greater degree than the white ducks

  3. Re; C Darwin, This is also the reason why their cygnets are grey and not white. They dont tolerate seagulls if they get too close, especially on their nesting island ! They killed a small gull last year.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    They killed a gull!!! It's that kind of shocking behaviour that gives Nairn a bad name. The guilty bird should be found, removed and rehomed somewhere else by the RSPB or some other official body.

  5. The gull was grabbed whilst dive bombing their cygnets so I'm told. Gulls be warned don't mess with their cygnets !

  6. Anonymous8:12 PM

    way down apon the SWANEE RIVER jayceescot,s words make me shiver,
    leave the ducks.and swans alone,
    on the island,they made their home.
