
Friday, November 09, 2012

Roland's Riverside Rampage?

The Gurn understands from unreliable sources close to River Community Council that there is increasing concerning about family groups of rats emerging during daylight areas to sun themselves in the lower riverside area. It may be that there will be another item on the agenda at the River CC's meeting on Tuesday night. 


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    These rats have turned up in the past couple of weeks after the new sewer extension pipe was left open for some time, then later sealed off. Looks like the rats cant get back into their home.

  2. a rat's tale7:47 PM

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but could the problem of the rats not be due to the sheer amount of food that is available to them at the river?

    A certain local character admits on his blog to spending thousands of pounds on food which he spreads around the river, the intended target being the birdlife but there much be a certain percentage of this food that is not consumed by the birds and therefore available freely available to the rodents? This feeding happens twice a day, just a coincidence?

  3. That's two theories then. Never mind the cause - What we need to know is if the authorities are worried about the numbers of rats so close to the riverside walk?

  4. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Does Roland eat duck poo?

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM


    For your information,those rats were there long before the sewer extension
    was started,and have increased daily.

  6. Rescue me11:21 PM

    Couldn't some kind soul rescue all the rats and take them home? I'm sure they'll be in danger living alongside the river. I've heard they're quite fond of flute music so shouldn't be too hard to get them up the street

  7. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Roland And The Bidet Boys Que Sera Sera C'm Away The County.13

  8. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Rats are attracted by food which is plentiful.
    No doubt the rats have been there a long time but this does not help one bit. Leave nature alone to its natural ways

  9. I've had the offer of a rat trap and would be quite willing to catch these if the council give me £35....any offers ?

  10. Boomtown2:41 PM

    Inmates offering to be in charge?
