
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Riverside initiative by Harbour Street resident gets the unanimous blessing of River Community Council

Sometimes the name “River” community Council can be a bit confusing for the uninitiated. The name was given to the Council over thirty years ago by a civil servant who drew some very strange lines on the map when the boundary areas of Nairn’s three CCs were defined. With the river running down the patch of one of those areas it is obvious how the name came about. Some people think however that the River CC is just about river affairs, this is not the case. Tonight however they discussed the river Nairn at length as local woman Jacquline Hutcheon gave a presentation to the councillors and several members of the public who were also present. Jacqui envisages a group that would act at many levels to protect and improve the riverside environment.

Jacqui began by telling the meeting how she had lived in Harbour Street for over ten years now and described how sometimes people feel uncomfortable about talking to the police or perhaps even River CC about issues like underage drinking. She envisaged a group that could be a conduit for those with concerns in that direction. She then went on to outline the environmental aspects of her proposed group, she said:

“ I have spoken to someone in Scottish Natural Heritage and he suggested what is called a river watch scheme and that’s more to do with the water bailiffs if there’s anything to do with dead fish and things like that. What I would like to have is a set of volunteers that works along with the River Community Council to help with planting trees or that people could feel they could contact me or the youth part or Tommy with any issues they have. We would help to promote health and well-being as part of that and encourage art and recreation and youth to enjoy the river.”

Jacqui also suggested that the group would have an information web page where people could get in touch. She also mentioned that the group could contact the wildlife crimes officer of the local area Scottish Police Force down in Aviemore if that was ever necessary. Her vision includes an education role with local school children possibly being involved. Jacqui said in response to a question from Liz that she already has a few people that wanted to volunteer to help. 

 After some discussion which centred on the above mentioned topics, particularly how such a group could be helpful to the present regeneration project and other similar works, Cllr Simon Noble proposed that River Community Council formerly give their support to Jacqui. The motion was passed unanimously.