At the Nairn River Community Council meeting last night this issue was raised by the Chief Elf, Tommy Hogg, and it was agreed by all the other elves that the Community Council would donate £75 worth of decorations to brighten up the trees for this year.
A note of caution was raised by Cllr’s (Bah) Macauly and (Humbug) Green who were concerned that none of the good citizens of Nairn would be dangling from the trees or falling off ladders while attempting to hang tinsel, glitter balls or other dangly bits. However, both Councillors soon released their inner twinkle when they got caught up with the idea of solar glitter baubles! In the interest of Health and Safety, the Chief Elf agreed that he would be there to supervise the communal dressing of the trees.
The issue will be brought forward to the next joint Community Council meeting so that next year the trees will be better prepared. The Gurn also understands that it will be raised at the West Community Council tonight.
Well, done to the folk over on the Nairn, when you were a Bairn site for highlighting this, let’s get everyone working together and get a little bit of glitz and sparkle into the town for this Christmas.
Update. Message from the organisers.
"Any volunteers who want to help decorate the trees should meet up at the Royal Bank car park at 1pm on Sunday (15th December). If you have any surplus tinsel or larger tree decorations please put them in to the 24/7 taxi office in the High Street by 1pm on Sunday, thanks everyone."
Update. Message from the organisers.
"Any volunteers who want to help decorate the trees should meet up at the Royal Bank car park at 1pm on Sunday (15th December). If you have any surplus tinsel or larger tree decorations please put them in to the 24/7 taxi office in the High Street by 1pm on Sunday, thanks everyone."
Does anyone know if there will be
Gurny Fairies hung up for display.
Whatever happened to the projected clock that was supposed to be going into Castle Lane? Couldn't the money for that be used for decorating the trees, if not this year what about next year?
Could it be that the citizens of Nairn know how to organise matters better than our elected councillors, half of whom seemed to want to poo poo the idea on the back of elf and safety?
I wonder what else citizens could organise for themselves?
Fully understandable about Health and Safety issues especially in this day and age. You can't be too careful, especially if someone sued.
I wouldn't worry about health and safety, anyone falling on to the supervising Chief Elf is sure of a soft landing!!!
In the same spirit of community could we not make a collective New Year's resolution to run Nairn ourselves and dump Highland Council!
If 'we' can't afford the decorations why isn't there just one tree but with something decorative on it? Plenty of trees around Nairn if that's all folk want to look at
Nice to hear the trees getting a make over with the help of the community and councillors. Maybe by next year the same initiative could be used to find a way to extend decorations onto lamp posts on St ninians road for all to see too.
Clearly time for Nairnites and community councils to take back full control of their town
After sorting the decorations maybe we could take on the bypass?
PS - there are several sets of lights running along the A96 that you'd be very welcome to take to illuminate the trees!
Just take a look at Granton and Aviemore - now that's how to bring Christmas sparkle to a town - makes you wonder though why Nairn is falling behind other towns in Highland!
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