
Monday, December 30, 2013

Larger car park for 41 vehicles now planned for Nairn Sports Club extension in Viewfield

Regular readers will perhaps remember a Gurn report on the River CC’s reaction to the Sport’s Club proposed extension. Tommy Hogg and his colleagues declared themselves to be unimpressed with the design but not to the extent that they would object to the club’s planning application. That was back in May, earlier that month we had reported on the comments of Sports Club member Roger Milton, also the Chair of Auldearn Community Council, at a meeting of all the area’s community councils. The club employs six people and has achieved quite a lot since its creation – that article is here: “Nairn Sports Club – a role model for other Community Projects?”

That was in the spring, since that time the application has been pending consideration at Highland Council. At the time the Council’s TECs department stated that they required more information on parking. On November 27th amended plans were uploaded onto the Highland Council’s e-planning pages which show spaces for 41 cars – an earlier design on this application’s file shows space for 17 cars. The creation of the car park would entail the felling of a small number of trees and the installation of root protection for others; a consultant’s report also suggests a replanting strategy too. 

The consultation period for this application is now passed and the extension of the car park might raise eyebrows among some in Nairn who wish to see no further encroachment on town centre green spaces – witness the recent well attended public meeting to campaign against the Highland Council’s proposal for part of the Showfield to be zoned for housing. The conservation and environmental lobby in Nairn is huge when it comes to certain pieces of municipal turf. It will be interesting to see if there is a reaction from the town’s community councils to this proposed extra piece of tarmac in Viewfield and whether any further representations are made to the planning department by the watch dogs or members of the public. 

On the other hand there is a successful Sports Club, providing much needed employment in Nairn, a club which seeks to expand its facilities – something which would undoubtedly be of benefit to the community. It is obvious that the club didn’t wish initially to take up so much space but perhaps their decision comes after some discussion with the planning department. Gurnites can see the Sports Club application and all the relevant plans and documents on this e-planning page here. 


  1. DavidS3:06 PM

    Any encroachment into green space should be looked at very carefully, but there is a real need for extra parking in the vicinity of the Sports Club and Community Centre. I think that it would probably be an improvement to have cars parked in a new, designated area rather than between the trees on Viewfield. The car park does not have to be tarmac; a more suitable surface could be made by using the type of 'porous paving' that has grass growing in the blocks.

  2. Get fit3:35 PM

    Hmmm, Sports club? Needs more parking spaces, hmmm?

    Plenty of parking spaces just across the road in old garage car park, hmmm?

    Come on folks this is pandering to laziness! Why not consider the short walk from the car parks as part of the warm up before reaching the sports centre?

  3. Flat earther4:17 PM

    Would residents from the new flats be allowed to park there?

  4. flat capper5:01 PM

    @Flat earthed

    I don't see why not if they're visiting the Sports Club

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

    There is far too much catering to cars already, they can walk across the road from the town centre car parking. Leave the green spaces alone.

  6. burger quine7:06 PM

    My car's always complaining about the lack of catering for cars in Nairn, she reckons we need more drive thru's.

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM

    maybe a job for n.i.c.e they could draw some pretty pictures of what it could look like and discuss it for a year !
