"Bidh mòran a' cuimhneachadh air 1914 anns na mìosan ri tighinn is ceud bliadhna ann bho thòisich An Cogadh Mòr.
Ann an Inbhir Narann, bithear cuideachd a' comharrachadh rudeigin car diofraichte - ceud bliadhna bho fhuair cluba ball-coise a' bhaile, Nairn County, ballrachd ann an Lìog na Gàidhealtachd.
Ged a bha sgioba Nairn County air a bhith a' cluich 'son fichead bliadhna ron a sin, 's e ceum mòr a bha seo dhan bhaile." Tuilleadh air làrach BBC Alba.
what about a translation ?
ReplyDeleteAn exclusive translation will be available later this evening on the Nairn fans We Belive facebook page.
ReplyDeleteTranslation is no we don't want it!
ReplyDeleteWhat's an 'exclusive' translation as opposed to say an ordinary one?
You'll have to be "We believer" to see it :-)
ReplyDeleteFacebook Nairn County FC - We Believe!
Ah yes, the 'exclusive' rather than inclusive NC Facebook page open to few, but we'll not go down that route
ReplyDeleteYes Facebook is a bit of a walled garden sometimes but then there is nothing illegal about that.
ReplyDeleteThere around 570 members of that Fans group so membership is not all that exclusive.
It might also go up on here perhaps :-)
Translation now available here too: