
Saturday, February 01, 2014

"Children and Families in an Independent Scotland" – Video from YES campaign event in Nairn Community Centre today (Sat 01 Feb)

The Guest Speakers at this lunchtime event were the Scottish Green Party’s ex-MSP Eleanor Scott, the SNP’s Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh OBE and local Nairn SNP Councillor, Liz MacDonald. Former SNP Councillor Paula Munro and her bairns opened the meeting and Colin MacAulay SNP also said a few words at the end of the speeches before opening the Q and A part of the meeting.

Tasmina starts speaking at 2.36 minutes into the video, Eleanor at 8.58, Liz at 20.32 and Colin at 26 minutes.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Sorry… can't cope with screeching bairns - gave up a few minutes into Tasmina's speech! Perhaps a creche should be arranged if there's going to be another meeting?
