
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Scottish Greens high heid yins in Nairn to launch document designed to stimulate debate on future local government for Scotland.

Green MSP Patrick Harvie, Glasgow Councillor Martha Wardrop and Common Good campaigner and author Andy Wightman were in Nairn Community Centre today to unveil proposals to prompt a new national debate about local government in Scotland.  The Scottish Greens see the independence referendum as giving Scots an opportunity to consider how to improve democracy on their doorstep.

This observer feels that the many serious students of controversies involving the way Nairn has been governed by Highland Council in recent years will be very interested in the proposals outlined by Patrick, Martha and Andy and in the subsequent Q and A sessions too. You might have to turn the sound on your machine up a little here and there – apologies for that – the Gurn team hope to have some better equipment available soon.

A good pause for reflection perhaps on how the problems of the democratic deficit in Nairn fit into the ongoing national debate about Scotland’s future governance.  As well as the video below, Bratach was also in situ and has posted a few images onto his flickr pages here.


  1. The not so jolly Green Giant5:08 PM

    Maybe its just that I missed it, but cant say I saw any publicity at all advertising the fact this event was being held, as I would have nipped along. But the video helps, Many thanks Gurn.

  2. @ not so jolly, It was a meejah press conference sort of thing so hence no posters etc.

  3. Jolly Green Giant5:44 PM

    O right big man, I get yer drift its for the meeja, wiz any cameras there as micht se it awn the telly the night, pure dead brilliant by the way that speekin by the wee thin guy we the glaises, & the bloke who needs a shave & the other gadgie who looks like Mr Beans faither, must admit I hiv an interest in the green masel, must go thats the misses tellen me ma suppers ready am awa tae sit doon & switch on the telly & watch the meejah press conference, Ps wid the Gurn ken if its on the beeb or grampian?

  4. It's all on the Gurn, no need to go anywhere else for all important events in Nairn :-)

  5. Anonymous8:15 PM

    But Mr Gurn - it SHOULD have high profile national media coverage. The Scottish Greens are actively campaigning for a YES vote in September - Because it is the only way to ensure a better and a fairer Scotland.
    Vote YES in September as a first step towards a new Nairnshire!

  6. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Did not notice any coverage in todays local or national newspapers & nothing at all broadcast in last nights BBC Scotland or Stv news slots, the mind boggles has that Mr Gurn got inside knowledge of The Scottish Greens meejah teams goings on, or did he manage to get a scoop & an exclusive !!!!

  7. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Sadly, the mainstream media give very little coverage to the Scottish Greens. They try to portray independence as "all Salmond's fault/idea". However, the Greens and the Socialists and many, many of those who have become disillusioned and disgusted with the Westminster parties - all believe that Scotland can become a much better place without Westminster's rotten Establishment.
