
Friday, March 07, 2014

B. Clark & Son Butchers make facebook appeal for residents of Nairn to buy from town centre businesses

The popular Leopold Street butcher's shop has made the following appeal on its Facebook page.

"It's time to call on all residents of Nairn to visit your town centre more often please !! Our shops are disappearing fast ! With multiple supermarket chains available on our doorsteps and online shopping it's easy to see the lure of choice, convenience and sometimes knockdown prices but In my opinion it would be very easy to revive our town centres, please read on...

Supermarkets and online shopping are here to stay for the reasons I mentioned above, but if we ALL made a LITTLE effort to also pop down to the High Street every now and again can you imagine the effect that would have on local businesses ? 

If EVERYONE in Nairn Bought ONLY one or two Kitchen appliances from the electrical stores in their lifetime, everyone spent only £30 or £40 a year in any of the butcher shops, everyone went to the bakers only 5 or 6 times a year, everyone went to the newsagents a few times, the veg shop, pet shop, travel agents etc etc..

I don't expect people to stop using supermarkets or online shops but instead to every now and again come down to your town centre and help keep Nairn a vibrant, bustling town with a good selection of shops with friendly staff.

To all those people who do use the High Street we truly do appreciate your custom because without you we would not be here so give yourselves a great big pat on the back. Hope to see you all soon and thank you for your time reading this.
Please feel free to share this post 
Thank you
Paul "


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    So High Street shops are charity cases, why should we give them extra money for goods we all know we can get cheaper elsewhere?

    Might as well ask Scot Rail to start running steam trains because some of us like them

    High Street shops are about to be finished, gone, deceased, no more

  2. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I have no arument with this: for those that can afford it!

    We are now experiencing poverty in our community on a scale much of us have have never been used to before.

    Food banks are now providing a considerable service to those in our community in need.

    Who is providing the food products to the food banks?

    It would be interesting to see if the local shops are involved after all it has to work both ways.
    Generally speaking I use the local shops especially Mr clarks every week as the quality is top notch and well done to our local shops but then I can afford to!.

  3. Anonymous6:03 PM

    At least they're being honest but who is going to be able to afford a nostalgia trip for their weekly messages? As has been said why should we treat our shops as charity case

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Sorry don't eat meat, save money and another reason not to go to the High Street.

  5. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Why are folk on this site so negative!

  6. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hmm... could the clue be in the name of this blog?

  7. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Local traders are not asking or wanting to be treated as charity cases. Quite the cases expect to be given something for nothing but local traders work hard to source and provide goods and services that offer something different from the multi-nationals. Many also support local charities and good causes with raffle prizes...if local people don't use local shops when they can, then we'll live in a town full of boarded up shops.....surely a lose lose situation for all of us ?

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    It is a shame we are losing so many shops.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I disagree that it is more expensive to shop in the butchers in Nairn. You get exactly what you want, trimmed and cut as you want it, and I have found that it is actually cheaper than the supermarket as you have no waste and it is a lot tastier so it all gets eaten. You can buy one or two sausages (not a pack) and small pieces of meat.
    Also the service is so much more friendly and the ready meals are actually cheaper than supermarket ones and are REALLY proper meat or chicken meals, not synthetic.

  10. Anonymous10:34 AM

    The problem for many people is that it is getting too expensive to shop anywhere. So people go for the cheapest or perceived cheapest.

  11. Anonymous10:35 AM

    It's pretty obvious from the number of closures as to what we think of the shops on our High Street

    Money is tight and folk are after products at the cheapest prices

    Boarded up shops may be a consequence of our changed shopping habits but I for one am not going to be dragged back to shopping there

    High Street shopping belongs to a past age of which I'm no longer a part

  12. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I buy from the High Street when I can but it is difficult sometimes to get parked.

  13. Anonymous8:45 AM

    1. I buy from the High Street only when I NEED to.
    2. It is usually difficult or impossible to park and when short of time (always) this is important - I shop because I need to - not as a sport.
    3. The High street is always more expensive than out of town when comparing like for like.
    4. I owe High Street traders nothing - certainly not my custom.

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Some people need to get real, for many in our society can't go to shops they have to go to the foodbank they have no choice of High Street or supermarket - things are changing and for the worst read this to see the reality of life in Scotland today People Power

  15. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The Mrs and I had a cheeky wee portion of Chinese Pork Ribs from Clark's last night. 135 degrees for 2 hours - wrapped in tinfoil. Finger-lickin yummy! (Not for vegetarians however :-))

  16. Gendelf teh poarkchope12:45 PM


  17. spare rib2:43 PM

    When the leccy ran out and we had to wait another three days for the cheque to arrive we ate cold food from cans. Tinned food is more expensive but you always know you can eat it as is if you have to.

    Two days of cornflakes was the worst, especially when we couldn't afford anymore milk

    Had there been anything there we might have licked our fingers

    Anyone can fall down on their luck as i know

    Funny how we all live in the same world but it's so different

  18. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Its like Tesco say's every little helps!

  19. High Street Supporter4:14 PM

    I was only commenting the other day that I don't know the last time I actually went to Inverness to do any shopping, I did all my Christmas shopping on Nairn High Street, I love it as everyone is so friendly in the shops, it's nice when you get a cheery friendly blether with those in the shops. I think it's rotten that so many shops are closing. The High Street is losing war to all our cost.

  20. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I shop locally. For quality of service and food. some Places can be over priced but not all. The thought of losing the local businesses and community spirit you receive in most place is a bleak future in ny opinion.

  21. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Okay, so the High Street is dead . All the shops are boarded up. So where will you shop now?
    The multi-nationals of now have NO choice....and they have NO competition.
    So 5 pence on here,10 pence on make that 20 pence. They will laughing all the way to the bank....oops, sorry, they've got their own bank.
    Is that what we really want? Because that's what we'll get.

  22. Anonymous8:15 PM

    A problem with the High Street is that no new shops are opening that are sustainable in any way. Ice cream shops? Shops selling pearls? The model shop was great for the kids, but more people are buying these things online. What the High Street really needs is something like Woolworths again. And a few more clothes shops where you can kit yourself out for less than the best part of £100.
