
Monday, May 12, 2014

Did the planners listen to your views? Their vision for Nairn’s future development is going for approval by Councillors on Weds (14th May)

The local plan blueprint takes the next step forward this week when Highland Councillors consider whether to approve their planners’ responses to public submissions to the process. Deep in darkest digital Gurnshire this observer read the following assertion today: “With the exception of South Inverness (125 responses), the section on Nairn had the highest number of comments (a total of 103) of any part of the IMFLDP*.  Massively higher than any other town in the area, and three times as high as any other part of Inverness.” 

Now, the suggestion is that that the high lnumber of responses demonstrates the level of anxiety in Nairn about the planning policies of Highland Council. Among those responses was a joint response from Nairn’s Community Councils which was highly critical of the IMFLDP* (the blueprint for the next 20 years of development in Nairn). 

Did you make a contribution? Even if you didn’t do you think the planners represent your views in the their responses to submissions from the community? You can read the planners take on how they see various parts of Nairn developing below  we’ve linked to most of the sections of the response document the councillors have access to and are being asked to approve.

To see the geographical area these numerical designations from the Highland Council a map is available on their initial plan document here. 

*Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan. 

1 comment:

  1. @ Me, an editorial decision. That issue is being hotly debated elsewhere however.
