The site that had already been zoned for a large housing development has been redesigned and the development of 178 houses, roads, footpaths and cycleway, open space and landscaping is recommended for approval by planners when it goes to the Highland Council South Planning Committee tomorrow. Gurnites can see the details and comments by the planners on a document here (if you only want to see the plans scroll down to the bottom of the document once you have it loaded). There were 13 objectors to the plan, including the Woodland Trust, and 1 for.
Given the ongoing problems with traffic on the A96 junction and many people of the school of thought that it is the lights there that are exasperating the problem it is interesting to read the following information from the planners, more in the document linked above:
"There is a long standing requirement for the provision of a pedestrian and cycle
crossing of the Aberdeen to Inverness railway line arising from previous (2000
application) Trunk Roads consultations, national policy, and safety reasons,
reinforced by the Access Officer’s comments. Although the transport statement
submitted by the applicants queries the need for this crossing and suggests
enhanced bus services as an alternative, this argument is not accepted by
consultees. The active travel which the crossing would promote and cater for is
highest in the travel hierarchy. There is an existing Section 75 Agreement relating
to a previous phase of development intended to provide an income stream to fund the crossing. A similar agreement is needed to secure contributions from this
development. Transport Planning have also indicated a possible need for funding
of an enhanced No. 20 bus service over a 3 year period dependent on the outcome of a review of the operation of the service."
Destruction of more green field sites, more traffic on Lochloy Road. Kingsteps is next no doubt. They won't rest till it is all one big subdivision. Only Springfield is happy.