
Thursday, June 05, 2014

No-parking cones with no home to go to?

Still hanging about on the High Street are the no parking cones that were put in position at the weekend. Most motorists seem to understand that they are no longer meant to be there but we hear from one High Street resident that he saw a touristy couple drive up to seek a parking place  last night only to park but move away once they saw the cones.


  1. conetent10:39 AM

    Och just leave them there ready for the next event, it'll save the cost of putting them away. They'll also provide endless amusement for the loons late on a Friday and Saturday night as they make excellent hats

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Seems we have to make up our own minds whether to adhere or ignore the cones, somebody somewhere should be responsible for the correctness of use.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    New plant pots

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Disgraceful. Something should be done immediately about this cone problem on the High Street.
    Another example of why Nairn should have no new houses, a bypass and it's own council.

  5. Dr Grigor9:37 PM

    Where's me hat?
