
Saturday, August 30, 2014

The overnight queue for a home in Nairn!

The scene this morning in the Springfield Properties show house car park up at Lochloy. Potential home owners desperate to live in Nairn shared their experiences of camping out overnight in their vehicles to be first in the queue for 16 new plots going on sale this morning at 11.30 am.

The possible  Lochloy residents were sharing a cuppa and braving the showers this morning.  What a great way to get to know your future neighbours.


  1. Austerity8:40 AM

    Good to see that Capitalism is still alive and kicking in Nairn and that some folk can afford to buy houses

  2. Anonymous4:02 PM

    You can just tell from the cars that this is not affordable housing

  3. "affordable" is the strangest thing to define Anon - there have been many attempts over the years on this site to reconcile just what the hell "affordable" housing means. Personally speaking I would love to see Council housing or housing under some sort of Community Control built on Sandown - the Common Good owns that land so build housing for the community on it? A little bit of unaffordable housing too as well perhaps - whatever "unaffordable" means :-)

  4. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Why can't social housing be built at the likes of Lochloy, why does it have to be in the less desirable places such as Sandown?

    Affordable to me means something that can be bought by someone on an average wage or lower

  5. I think there may be some social housing up there in Lochloy anon - not sure perhaps someone will know.
    I've seen some pretty amazing looking social housing around - Forres and Orkney for example, why not have some of that at Sandown - close to bus-stops and shop and post office and allotments too. "Less desireable"? some nice houses round about the Sandown fields. Take your point though, why leave it to private developers - we should have a community development company perhaps - Dick Youngson of Suburban CC was dropping big hints about this on Tues night at the CC meeting.

  6. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I'm 38 and I don't think my partner and I will ever own our own house.

    We stay in privately rented accommodation which costs us £500 a month and as much as we try and save for a deposit to buy a one bed flat the further away that goal seems to become as house prices keep rising

    I'm not sure what the answer is. I know that owning 2nd or 3rd properties has become a good income for some people who've reached their 50's and paid off the mortgage on their main property. But this seems to have widened the gap between those that can afford to buy and those that can't

    We'd take a place anywhere in Nairn,we'd be grateful buyers not fussy, and I'm sure there are a lot of people like us. Not sure it'll ever happen though.

    I'm voting Yes hoping this will change things, has to be worth a try

  7. Anonymous8:58 AM

    There is affordable housing being built up Lochloy, just takes a wee bit of research.
