
Friday, October 24, 2014

Chalk drawings on Castle Lane Square

Some interesting chalk drawings on Castle Lane Square today. Good to see this public space used creatively. They might still be there in the morning if the overnight weather is kind. The Gurn understands that it was a fundraiser during the day to raise awareness of Children's mental health issues. 
Click the picture to enlarge. 


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Roald Dahl quote from the Twits I think. I urge all parents who haven't already read this book to their kids.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Very nice and colourful, hope this doesnt give mixed messaging to upcoming youthful kids, also wanting to be individually creative in that space with non fundraising ideas in mind?.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I'm all for organisations like this raising money for there extremely good cause, but i don't think pavement art is the right way of doing it, for one it quite possibly could encourage other graffiti in the town, but worse of all is the mess it leaves behind, even with some showery rain today the markings are still there and no doubt will be for some time to come, to be honest castle square today looks a right mess and to those who didnt know what it was all about would presume that some vandals had been at work, our town is untidy enough as it is , so please yes go on the street and collect money for your charity, but was this absolutely necessary ?

  4. Personally think most folk will not be bothered at all by this anon and your opinion will be in the minority. Charities have to be innovative these days and sometimes there is "fatigue" towards traditional methods.

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    far too many charities now,you would need to be a relation of david Cameron to be able to give to everyone,,charity begins at home,look after our own old folk first,and then no need for food banks,,,we can only give so much in this times of austerity.

  6. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The miserable folk in this town- as demonstrated by this post make me want to give up and leave.

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Miserable attitude to some maybe, being in touch with local protocol, and the way it can be in the community is another.

  8. Hi
    Thank you so very much for this posting about our project!!

    We are part of HUG (Action for Mental Health) and our young people's project is called SPEAK - come and find us on Facebook

    We had a fab and fun afternoon with many people (young and older) drawing fabulous and beautiful quotes and drawings about positive mental health : )
    This event was all led, planned and organised by young people, staff at HUG and Nairn Academy.
    All required Council permissions were obtained.

    Come and join us help make a difference locally to young people affected by mental health issues.

    warm wishes, Emma HUG and SPEAK Worker
    mobile 07508 342591
