
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nairn as seen from above the Showfield - video

Another stunning video from David Clark. If there is a part of Nairn you would like to see filmed form above then David is taking requests and provided it is possible he will try to oblige when he can. Previous videos from David available here on Youtube. 


  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I find these video's fascinating, I love to see the layout of the town and streets and all the different designs of houses. Mr Clark, it would be great to see one of the town centre/high street area, maybe from down by the old cemetery or from the riverside?

  2. David will have to follow guidelines as to where he can fly his drone, there is a law that states that you must be so many feet away from the public themselves when flying

  3. David, does follow guidelines, that's why they are all filmed from open spaces, as per the CAA requirements, but hey don't let that worry you, sit back and enjoy the view that most people get when they fly over the town!
