
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Nairn Beach stars in Easy Jet Magazine

One of our regular readers Stuart, wrote to tell us, "I noticed this article in the
February edition of the EasyJet in-flight magazine. It was a feature on beaches and included some pretty exotic locations, of which Nairn was of course the most salubrious :-) The postcard was also included in the front cover montage."

Stuart is not sure about the title "Nairn Beach, Inverness" but is happy to see his home town getting exposure in the airline's magazine.

Interesting that the "Insider Tip" says "Nairn itself is lovely. Be sure to look around the old harbour or visit the town for a slection of cafes." Intersting to see ourselves as others see us isn't it?  Nairn is lovely and perhaps we need to up our game here and there but basically we have a good product for holidaymakers and quite a few Easyjetters must have eye-balled this small article. Maybe some of them will make a detour in the future? 

1 comment:

  1. Spurtle1:24 PM

    Nairn is a great place and there are times when some of the folks that gripe about the things that are wrong with our town should take a wee trip around the UK....

    They may return with a little more to reflect on....
