
Friday, May 29, 2015

Three trampolines, a multi-gym and other equipment for the Links play area

At the regular meetings of the West and Suburban CCs on Tuesday night in Nairn Academy Cllr Liz MacDonald announced that new equipment was destined for the Links, she explained:

"This is money that was left over from our discretionary budget last year. The four Nairn councillors at the time, when Colin was here, actually as well, we agreed with the steering group from Junior World, from First Steps and from parents that were present – at a stake holders group meeting – that this was equipment that we would be putting in and hopefully it will be in before the summer. So it will be three trampolines, a multi-gym, some springy sit on things, refurbishment of the swings and games panels as well. So this is all new equipment going down...”

Liz was asked by Graham Kerr of West CC: “Is that beside the paddling pool?”

“It’s beside the paddling pool and roundabout it, on the grass areas beside it [...]"

Liz added a little later: “It was an end of the year thing to use up our budget, so we had to make our decision quick so we could buy any equipment and then it will be paid for getting installed this year under the community services budget for new equipment.”  


  1. Spend Spend Spend1:06 PM

    This notion of spending a budget before the end of the tax year just to get rid of the money seems to be the exact opposite of what councillors ought to be doing. Surely they should be identifying a need in the community and then justifying the expenditure when balanced against other priorities, not burning money just because it is there. With that kind of logic council spending will never come down.

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    typical council numptys,couldnt they have used the money to refurbish the old big slide?or was that beyond their comprehension

  3. strewth3:20 PM

    Where will it end. We got outside gym equipment placed near the swimming pool as it was apparently a bargain, yes as expensive bird perches. It may have escaped the notice of some councillors in Nairn that this is the Highlands of Scotland and not Venice beach in California

    By all means provide play equipment for the bairns but after the big slide debacle had about this being well thought out with consultation and not just a knee jerk end of year spend?

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Strewth at 3.20
    The outdoor gym equipment has been a tremendous success - loads of users - in all weathers. Some of us don't wimp out of summer hailstone showers.
    Great to hear that Councillors have listened to young parents - and provided equipment that they have helped to select.

  5. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I walk my dog past the outdoor gym equipment in all weathers several times a day, and can confirm that I've seen more birds using it than humans

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    @Anon 3:49

    Your post reads like a press release with a bit of spin added

    I hope the new equipment is what parents and their kids want, and nice to read that we still have end of year budget surpluses to spend

  7. Quite often publish press releases anon @ 3.49 but what you have there is mostly out of the horse's mouth.

  8. Anonymous8:14 AM

    How is the council going to fund a full time supervisor for the trampolines? How long before someone acquires a neck/spinal injury on them. Health and Safety remember!
    Would've have been a LOT cheaper to just have refurbished the big slide.
