
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Nairn's working poor highlighted

A 16 page Nairnshire this week with extensive coverage of the Nairn Book and Arts Festival and a worrying front page spread that indicates that despite recent events that seemed to project a stable future for the Hydrotherapy Pool, the facility has not received any client referrals from the NHS yet. 

Anyway fast-forward to page 5 and an article "Annual report from CAB highlights Nairn's "in-work" poor which begins "Families in Nairnshire are still experiencing poverty, despite an increase in employment opportunities."

The Nairnshire goes on a little further into the article: There is a perception that there is no real poverty in Nairnshire," Gill MacLean, manager of Nairn CAB, says in her annual report.
"Our experience on a daily basis says otherwise. Employment appears to have increased but low pay, seasonal work, zero hours contracts, expensive public transport and the rising cost of child care means 'in work' poverty is on the increase." 

Indeed, to all intents and purposes Nairn looks prosperous. If you were just passing through on a warm summer's day you might think there was nothing wrong at all but behind the scenes there are people working all week to earn their poverty. 


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Nairn needs more community representatives who can represent those with softer voices and smaller words. I hope that our next community councils have many more voices from Boathpark, Queenspark and Tradespark. Who on your street should you be persuading to stand for the community councils?

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM


  3. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Good God, Anon@9.13am, what a piece of nonsense! Immigrants are not to blame for the working poor's poverty (in Nairn or in the rest of the UK) and by implying they are you muddy the water with the real reasons behind it. Oh, and by the way, please learn to use lower case and stop shouting!

  4. Well said anon the last - what a crock indeed - and a very tired old excuse for seeking to apportion blame instead of addressing the real issue - which as the CAB lady said, is due primarily to low wages and zero hour contracts. How about increasing the minimm wage to something more realistic like £10 per hr? Hmmm? Or how about scrapping the house of lords and putting a stop to all those hangers on there, that we pay to fall asleep and have London Residencies? Hmmmm? Just a thought y'know! Ta Ra! Xx

  5. Anonymous6:17 PM

    9.13 anon.totally agree!

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I think what the shouting person at 9;13am was referring to was the Highland Council leader quoted in the Courier paper that if H.C. have to accept some (immigrants from Syria etc)they don't know where to put them as Highland Council already have 10,000 people on the housing waiting list!

  7. @ anon 7.36 What Margaret Davidson had to say here

  8. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Yes it is right to show compassion and house refugees/migrants in need but will the born again dogooders please now get off their arses to do something for all those living in poverty and the many many people that do not have a home of their own?

  9. Anonymous6:26 AM

    We can't take migrants here,think of our own children and grandchildrens future,They will be looking for asylum in years to come.Our parents gave us the life we have,so let's stop being a load of pussy's.

  10. Anonymous8:08 AM

    The Gaels, the Vikings and a few others were all migrants and don't forget how many were kicked out of the Highlands of Scotland. There is room here for refugees.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I know people who have been waiting for 10years plus to get social housing, is it any wonder that people get angry when some high hied suggests we take more folk in to our community, they will be housed before our own folk, it's asking for trouble.
    Oh ..I forgot Nicola is going to let them live with her, I hope she never needs to phone police Scotland then if she decides she has had enough.
    I am not against helping refugees but that must mean bringing peace to their countries so that the can live safely in their homelands.

  12. Humanity12:34 PM

    David Cameron has agreed to let in 20,000 Syrian refugees into the UK over a four year period

    There are over 43,000 towns in the UK. That means for every two towns there will slightly less than one refugee, hardly a flood nor a great pressure on resources, in fact 20,000 is a pitiful number

    I'm sorry that some people seem to be completely selfish and unable to understand the scale of the humanitarian need

  13. Anon 10:47 - whaddaya mean, bring peace to their countries? We & the good ol US of A are primarily responsible for bombing it in the first place. Try actually watching the news/reading the newspapers for a change. Tut tut tut! Xx

  14. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Should our Nicola decide to 'take in" some migrants,I bet it won't be from the poorer less educated families.Probably only academics such as doctors etc.

  15. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Take in Doctors? Send a minibus and bring them back here to Nairn hospital.

  16. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I'm not religious, but this comes to mind ....... "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you." Matthew 7:12

  17. Anonymous6:43 PM


  18. biblical6:56 PM

    @Anon 5:52

    I can't see a post by @Mathew 7:12?

  19. Anonymous6:57 PM

    It might be balderdash to you, but it underpins others Christianity.
    To me it is civilised humanity. We are all Jock Tamson's bairns.

  20. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Great, the original post is about the working poor and it is getting hijacked by another issue. So easy for some folk to stick their heads in the sand to what is happening here and now. Places for people to live? Who was to blame for the lack of council/social houses? Too poor to get a mortgage, anyone got a spare £28k for a deposit? So, pray tell me, wtf has that got to do with immigrants? It's so easy to get blinded by convenient smokescreens/scapegoats that's stopping you seeing the bigger picture. Blow away the smoke people and see what is really happening.

  21. Thanks for all your comments but it is getting very much off topic now so this thread is closed.
